Join us for the August session of our Ladies Book Club! This month, we will be reading Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, the next book in the beautiful Penguin Drop Caps series. Here is the publisher's summary:
H is for Hesse. A young Brahmin named Siddhartha searches for ultimate reality after meeting with the Buddha. His quest takes him from a life of decadence to asceticism, from the illusory joys of sensual love with a beautiful courtesan, and of wealth and fame, to the painful struggles with his son and the ultimate wisdom of renunciation. Integrating Eastern and Western spiritual traditions with psychoanalysis and philosophy, written with a deep and moving empathy for humanity, Herman Hesse’s strangely simple Siddhartha is perhaps the most important and compelling moral allegory the troubled twentieth century ever produced.
Cost is $25. Included with our price is a copy of the Penguin Drop Caps Collector's Edition of the book, light refreshments, and good conversation. We will meet in our celebration room on Thursday, August 16 at 7:00 p.m. Call or come by to register! (678-635-8801)